Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Emperor Brutus

The Emperor Jones was astonishing. Brilliantly staged and acted and so intense that when it ended there was stone-cold silence; it took the audience a few moments to collect themselves and start what became thunderous and protracted applause. I loved it. Nick -- not so much, but that was because he was tired (woken by a car crash and concomitant dog barking) the night before, and because the seats were so uncomfortable (they were.) But wow. Wow. Wow.

Today stretches ahead. Nick and Holly are going to the park. I'm working and catching up, and then in the late morning I'll start an apple pie. It's Nick Malgieri's recipe and he's never steered me false. Then a lazy afternoon (during yesterday's lazy part of the afternoon we watched the new "Taking of Pelham 123" -- fun, diverting movie.) After that Liv has SAT tutoring and then we're off to dinner. I've got a running list of topics darting restlessly in my head: Liv's talent agent meeting, Matt's travels over the break and study-abroad plans, Holly, status updates. It'll be fine. If not fun, I'll take fine. I'm the only one among the three of us who isn't nervous. I feel the same way about it than I do about any meeting I attend (once you strip out my belief that any meeting I'm in is my meeting -- hmmm, wonder where Liv gets it from.)

We'll also probably do some pre-packing for Canada, though Nick and I have brought and left so much up there that we can pack light. What a pleasure that is.

Let the healthcare reform debate begin!

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